Sunday, January 5, 2020

How the College Bubble Will Pop - 1816 Words

Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today (Richardson 382). One of the most amazing things people have dreamt to obtain is the â€Å"American Dream†. It is so profound in all the things it can symbolize. It is freedom, justice, but most of all, it is a hope for a better way of life. The immigrants who made the long and dangerous voyage to America wanted their children to have experiences that they never got to experience, one of those things being to have an education. Education has been so important and cherished for many years now. Without it, usually meant a mediocre job was imminent. Without it, people will not be using their full potential. Without it, the American Dream is not†¦show more content†¦That increased potential higher education revenues. Surprise! Over the last three decades, tuitions rose faster than the economy grew. (Barone) As touched by Barone, it can be inferred that the many attempts to aid American people was one of many causes to this situation. Furthermore insinuating that the amount of government intervention may as well caused this college bubble. Things such as the federal grant program which â€Å"†¦gives money to state and local governments to spend in accordance with set standards and conditions† and also the foundation of School Program which funds â€Å"†¦ programs for public education in the state of Texas† must be carefully supervised (Scott 361). It is essential that the government takes action to take care of its people, but there must be an extent. The college bubble has been predicted to pop for some time now. The situation has gotten so bad that the â€Å"†¦total college enrollment has fallen by 1.5% since 2012† (Vedder and Denhart). The price is increasing at a substantial rate and it seems like it is not slowing down. â€Å"Even more alarming t han the rate of tuition growth is the blistering increase in total outstanding student loans, which grew 511% since 1999 to $1 trillion† (Piereson). One trillion dollars is an enormous amount of money and is way too high for loans lent out. At this rate, there will be no money to give out since there is not more money to lend. Even thoughShow MoreRelatedRisks Of The Student Loan Bubble960 Words   |  4 PagesIntroduction/Overview I will be examining the risks of the student loan bubble. A bubble in financial terms regards to the rapid rise of asset prices that isn’t backed by fundamentals. This will eventually cause a large sell off leading to a sharp depletion in those asset values. Over the last 5 years the American federal reserve bank has increased spending on federal student loans over 1,000%. From $100 billion to over $1 trillion dollars. 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